Xcel Energy Eagle Cams


We have one eagle nest equipped with two video cameras so you can watch the American bald eagles build their nest, lay and incubate their eggs, and raise their young in late January through July.

Eagle Cams One and Two are located at the Fort St. Vrain Station Platteville, Colo. This 6 foot-wide and 5 foot-deep nest has been active for many years.

Another eagle cam supported by the Raptor Resource Project is near a fish hatchery in Decorah, Iowa, and is very popular among local schools and other viewers. You can also view a live video stream on YouTube.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the most recent updates about these eagle families and their nesting activities.

NOTE: Because our eagle cameras are powered by solar, there will be times when the cameras are not online due to weather. Thank you for your patience, and please check back. 

Bird Cam YouTube Channel

Eagle Top View 

Eagle Side View

Eagle Facts

  • The bald eagle is the only eagle unique to North America.
  • Nests are refurbished each year and have been known to reach a weight of two tons.
  • Bald eagles can fly up to 30 mph and dive at 100 mph.
  • Bald eagles do not have vocal cords; the high-pitched sound they make is from air passing through the bones in their neck.
  • Juvenile eagles are mixture of brown and white feathering and their heads do not turn all white until they reach full maturity between 4 to 5 years old.


This pair of bald eagles live at our Fort St. Vrain Station in Platteville, Colorado. Their 6-foot-wide by 5-foot-deep nest sits high in a cottonwood tree near the plant. Eagles return to the nest in the fall and conduct nesting activities from about January to July. The nest has been active for years, and went online in 2003. Learn more about the history of this nest, including nest record information.

During a severe storm the eagle's nest suffered a partial collapse. With the help of our long-time partners, Raptor Resource Project the nest was rebuilt in time for the next nesting season.

Interested in corresponding with other Bird Cam viewers? Join the BirdCam Forum available through the Raptor Resource Project.